Aubergines " skordostoumpi"
skordo σκόρδο in greek mean garlic and skordostoumpi is a food with a looooot of garlic.
This doesnt mean that you can eat it or try it, this just means thats its not a main meal and its a delicious appetizer and dont forget how good is garlic for your health!
we will need :
3 medium aubergines cutted in slices
3 gloves of garlic
1 onion
3 spoons of tomato paste
1 fresh tomato cutted in pieces
half glass of water
salt, peper
1teaspoon sugar
good olive oil
cut the aubergines into thin slices and put them in a pan like this :
Cut the garlic and the onion put the rest of the ingredients into a big bowl
add the water and mix them really good till the mixture is smooth and no piece of garlic or onion is left and add fresh olive oil and the herbs
put the mixture on top of the aubergines and cover your pan, its really important while the cooking time the pan is not open, you can use a foil paper if you dont have the cover of the pan.
Bake in th oven in 200 degrees for about 1 hour.
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